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Development of low-carbon metal doors and windows of several favorable factors Release date 2010-0
V-ati cumparat mobilier si e cam dificil de ansamblat cu tot cu schema oferita ? Pe langa asta, mai lipsesc suruburi, piulite sau alte piese pentru ansamblare? Nici o problema ! Suntem aici ca dumneavoastra sa va scapam griji si dureri de cap .
It is reported that some developed countries for the building materials industry, will formulate the characteristics and development status of various regulatory policies, encouraging the development of building material industry to a low carbon economy, we can actively learn from their successful experiences and apply it to our door and window industry, the effective control of resources and energy consumption, vigorously push forward the development of new types of metal doors and windows use.     Step into 2010, means that the new century has a new 10-year began. In this new historical stage started when the changing world before us, we are faced with complicated situations, there is too much instability and uncertainty. Low carbon building materials is low power, low emissions, low pollution, the pursuit of green GDP, the building materials industry development model. The building materials industry has a number of downstream enterprises began to take the low carbon road doors and windows, doors and windows industry on the development of low carbon door industry, is indeed a vast reservoir of opportunities, there are many favorable conditions and favorable factors, of course, many difficulties and challenges . We should adhere to the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the scientific development concept under the guidance of the traditional model from the "crisis" in the scientific development Kandao the "opportunity" to lay the development capacity and Si Xiang Xing Ye theoretical foundation, doors and windows industry Quanmian innovation Yingjie phase arrival. Generally recognized by the international carbon economy, including low-carbon products industry system, low-carbon technologies, energy efficiency, industrial energy efficiency and economy, resource recovery, environmental protection equipment and energy saving materials.     Conducive to a low carbon, energy, Establishing high-speed development of new enterprises. According to authorities speculated that around the year 2020, the formation of low-carbon economy will be the climate. In order to meet the low-carbon economy era, China is taking a series of regulatory measures to control high energy consumption and high pollution industry, rapid growth, we know that real estate is the main door and window industry market, it will directly affect the demand for windows and doors industry, market trends . Along with the introduction of a series of energy saving policy, the real estate industry will also be included in the list of mitigation adjustment. Some real estate companies in the housing of the high temperature in the cool thinking and started doing real estate "quantity" to "quality" change of homework. According to industry sources, the industrial construction method has quietly become a trend, doors and windows will tend to purchase new, reasonable, high value-added products. The real estate industry is not such an option will accelerate energy-saving, high-carbon building materials out of the market rate, while promoting the development of door and window industry in a reasonable direction, birth Yida Pi low carbon, energy-saving building materials enterprises in the birth of a new, the building materials industry will welcome to a new era.     Development of low carbon doors and windows clear several favorable factors. One is beneficial to adjust and optimize industrial structure and transforming economic growth mode. Adjust and optimize the structure is to rapidly raise the proportion of advanced productive forces, to speed up eliminating backward enterprises. Window Industry in low-carbon path of economic development is through a series of technical innovation, and promote energy conservation and development of recycling economy. However, energy saving windows and doors industry, have great potential, we must seize the opportunity to develop low-carbon windows and doors industry, accelerate the pace of structural adjustment.
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Версия 07:30, 11 апреля 2013

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