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What Does Ion Mean Texting?

Дайв-зверская тусовка
Модераторы: ВиТим, Lion

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Сообщение Чт авг 01, 2024 10:02

What Does Ion Mean Texting? This is the most commonly asked question among youngsters What Does Ion Mean Texting - ION slang is a rather fluid term whose definition draws from the context in which it is being used. However, the actual meaning of the abbreviation ION frequently met in texts is In Other News. While on Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, and Snapchat, ION is used to show disagreement; I don’t. Thus, with the help of ION, one can work miracles when they need to set up some new topic or move the focus of conversation to another topic. It is however very important to note that it should be incorporated where it would best fit.

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