Dive-Zveri • Просмотр темы - Was Kickass Torrent legal?

Was Kickass Torrent legal?

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Модераторы: ВиТим, Lion

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Сообщение Ср дек 11, 2024 12:40

Yes, Kickass Torrent is not legal, because the content provided by the platform is not original and doesn't follow copyright law, I think that is the main reason that it was shut down because the user has always been concerned for their security and data . but don't worry You can visit Kickasstorrents Alternatives .

Сообщения: 2
Откуда: Камбоджа
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Сообщение Пт фев 07, 2025 13:43

In the future, the materials of full size sex dolls will pay more attention to environmental protection and health. As consumers pay more attention to product safety and sustainability, American sex doll manufacturers will adopt more environmentally friendly materials, such as degradable silicone and non-toxic TPE, to reduce the impact on the environment. At the same time, these materials will also have higher durability and comfort, ensuring that users feel a more realistic touch during use. The material upgrade of full size sex dolls not only conforms to the global environmental protection trend, but also meets consumers' needs for health and safety, further enhancing the market competitiveness of American sex dolls.

Сообщения: 2
Откуда: Чили, Фарельонес
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